Jóhanna V Þórhallsdóttir
Jóhanna hlaut heiðursverðlaun í Austurríki í Ybbs and er Donau fyrir myndlist í september 2022. Hún lærði í Þýskalandi hjá Markúsi Lüpertz og Heribert Ottersbach. Hún er í félagi í SÍM og stjórnar Gallerí Göng/um. Hún var formaður Anarkíu og ARTgallery Gáttar í Kópavogi

Jóhanna ist geboren, lebt und arbeitet in Reykjavík. Sie studierte klassischen Gesang und Musik in England, Italien und in Wien und später Malerei in Island und in Deutschland.
In ihren künstlerischen Arbeit ist das Wesentliche die Bewegung. Ihr innerstes wird immer durch einen Rhythmus, eine Dynamik bewegt. Natur, Musik, Menschen, alles was und um sie ist, singt sie auf die Leinwand. Es fliesst wie ein Fluss, sie geht mit dem Prozess, berühren durch die Malerei.

Jóhanna hlaut heiðursverðaun í Austurríki í Atelier an der Donau í september 2022. Hún er listrænn stjórnandi í Gallerí Göng /um Háteigskirkju frá árinu 2018. Formaður Anarkíu-Listasalur, í Kópavogi, frá 2016 sem breytti um nafn 2017 í ARTgallery GÁTT til 2018. Félagi í ARTgallery101, Laugavegi 44, Reykjavík

Dancing under the glacier
Gallerí Fold

Jóhanna was born, lives and works in Reykjavík. She studied classical singing in England, Italy and in Vienna and later painting in Iceland and Germany.
In her artistic work, movement is the essence. Her inner being is always moved by a rhythm, a dynamic. Nature, music, people, everything that is around her, she sings on the canvas. It flows like a river, she goes with the process, improvises. Heart and soul work together, are touched and touched by painting.

“Energy becomes power. Commitment becomes passion. Music is also vital, creating a certain flow and movement. This is my experience of Jóhanna and her paintings.”
Professor Heribert C Ottersbach
“It does not matter to the Icelandic artist, Jóhanna V Thórhallsdóttir, whether she paints a person or a landscape. She is equally committed to both; her goal, is to capture movement, and life, in the painting.” International Kunst Heute 2018
dr.Ingrid Gardill

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